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UNCF/Merck Science Initiative

The UNCF/Merck Science Initiative is an innovative approach that creates opportunities in the biological, chemical and engineering sciences for African American students throughout the country.

Awards offer excellent advantages that get you ahead in your academic life and career:

Thanks to UNCF and Merck, over 500 students and scholars in biological and chemical sciences have found support, knowledge, careers and advancement. Apply now and join them!

Science Research Scholarship Awards

* Scholarships up to $25,000
* A paid internship at a Merck facility with stipend of more than $5,000
* Mentoring and networking opportunities
* Eligibility: College juniors, science or engineering majors, 3.3 GPA
Science Research Dissertation Fellowships

* Fellowships up to $53,500
* Mentoring and networking opportunities
* Eligibility: Ph.D. or equivalent degree candidates engaged in dissertation research in biological, chemical or engineering fields
Science Research Fellowships

* Fellowships up to $92,000
* Mentoring and networking opportunities
* Eligibility: Ph.D. or equivalent degree recipients in biological or chemical research fields

Published in Employment Research Scholarships