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Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute STEM Graduate Fellowship

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute STEM Graduate Fellowship
• Interact with the national leaders that set STEM policy in Washington, D.C.
• Meet important people in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields
• Interact and work with the Latino STEM Consortium (SACNAS, SHPE, and MAES)

Two programs in 2011:
January- September 2011: DEADLINE OCTOBER 22, 2010
August 2011-May 2012: DEADLINE February 18, 2011

“CHCI has provided me with the platform to gain hands-on experience in the implementation of science policy at the National Science Foundation (NSF), participate in excellent scientific conferences that have allowed me to further refine my science and education policy interests, and gain valuable contacts with other scientists with similar interests. Moreover, I am working on an integral topic at the NSF that will have long-lasting and, I hope, a transformative impact on Hispanic participation in the STEM fields. This has been one of the most unique learning opportunities of my career and I am greatly appreciative to the CHCI organization for it.”
Sandra Alcala-Barraza, Motorola STEM Graduate Fellow
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
School: University of Minnesota
Major: Ph.D., Neuroscience
Placement: National Science Foundation

“Global climate change debates, national economic recovery strategies, booming clean technology industry and research development and the most comprehensive piece of environmental and energy policy ever introduced has been the backdrop of my experience. Working with Senator Menendez in his Energy and Natural Resources Committee has given me a voice in these national and international conversations – and vastly (and rapidly) expanded my knowledge and expertise. I have learned very quickly that my graduate degree was but a stepping stone to the vast array of knowledge a policy maker must poses, and I feel that my experience as a CHCI GYP fellow has served as a catalyst to propel my career and future to the next level.”
Jorge Madrid, Motorola STEM Graduate Fellow
Hometown: East Los Angeles, CA
School: University of Southern California
Major: Master’s, Urban Planning and Public Administration
Placement: The Office of Senator Robert Menendez (NJ)

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI), the nation’s premier Hispanic educational and youth leadership development organization, is seeking applicants for its STEM Graduate Fellowship. The Graduate Fellowship Program offers exceptional Latino graduates and young professionals unparalleled exposure to experiences in the underserved public policy areas of education (secondary, higher) health, housing, law, international affairs, and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The fellowship is open to applicants who have earned a graduate degree from an accredited educational institution in the last three years. This competitive program is comprised of a nine-month fellowship in Washington, D.C. including a substantive work placement at a congressional office or federal agency. The International Affairs Fellowship includes three months abroad in Mexico. Travel, health insurance and a $2,700 monthly stipend is provided.

To learn more and apply please visit:

Two programs in 2011:
January- September 2011: DEADLINE OCTOBER 22, 2010
August 2011-May 2012: DEADLINE February 18, 2011

Published in Employment Internship Scholarships