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MAAC Project YouthBuild Tutors

Hi my name is Cynthia Figueroa and I work at YouthBuild, a non-profit school located in Barrio Logan, San Diego. I have been doing some research on your society and I think it’s wonderful. We have many students that are also Hispanic that are looking into engineering as a possible career in their future. I am writing to you because we are in need of Math & English tutors. I know that as engineers or even college students you have the ability to teach some basic math and English and it would be great to have someone from your organization to come and help our students succeed. We are currently looking for 2-4 volunteers, Monday-Thurs. 8:20-9:50am (math) or 10:15- 12 (english). The schedule is flexible and it’s only about 16 students a day.

A little about our organization: The mission of YouthBuild USA is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income youth to rebuild their communities and their lives.YouthBuild USA seeks to join with others to help build a movement toward a more just society in which respect, love, responsibility, and cooperation are the dominant unifying values, and sufficient opportunities are available for all people in all communities to fulfill their own potential and contribute to the well-being of others.

If this is something of interest for any of your members or yourself please contact me.

Thanks so much,
Cynthia Figueroa
MAAC Project YouthBuild
Youth Resource Developer
2101 Commercial Street
San Diego, CA 92113
(619) 426-3595 EXT 1806
Cell (323)775-3073

Published in Employment Internship Volunteer