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Ph.D. Panel, Behavioral Sciences

Ph.D. Panel, Behavioral Sciences
Friday, February 17, 2012
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
SDSU Biosciences Center – Gold Auditorium

Interested in pursuing doctoral studies in the behavioral sciences?

Curious about the challenges of graduate school?

Attend this free networking seminar and learn from current Ph.D. students.

Clinical, Community Ecological Health, and Counseling represented.

Karla Blanco, Counseling Psychology
Washington State University

Christina Campbell, Community & Ecological Health Psychology
Michigan State University

Ian Villalta, Clinical Psychology
Arizona State University

This is a wonderful networking opportunity to better prepare for graduate school and to get your questions answered.

General question and answer from the audience, followed by informal, break out sessions to get your specific questions answered.

For questions regarding this event, email

Michelle Lopez or call 619-594-6447.

Published in Research STEM Activities