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HoP & IOU REU programs

1.       Integrated Optics for Undergraduates (IOU) REU Summer Program (10 weeks) – Research focus: speeding up the internet and developing energy-saving features for sustainable next-generation optical networks.  Projects may involve lasers, atomic force microscopy, spectrometers, a hybrid electrical-optical switch, silicon photonic waveguides, and more. Conduct research either at the Univ. of AZ (Tucson), UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, or Columbia University (New York City).  See the YouTube video at

2.       Hooked on Photonics (HoP) Research for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Program(10 weeks) whose photonics research is focused on improving solar technology. Conduct research either at the Univ. of AZ (Tucson), Univ. of WA (Seattle), or Georgia Tech (Atlanta).  See the YouTube video at or the Facebook page,!/pages/Hooked-on-Photonics-REU-program/159926908134.

Deadline:  February 15

Why: Valuable lab experience, plus a $5,000 stipend in addition to paid housing, one-time round trip travel, and at most sites a GRE prep workshop, a presentation skills workshop, a graduate school preparation workshop, and educational field trips.

To apply:  For Integrated Optics for Undergraduates (IOU), apply at and for Hooked on Photonics (HoP), apply at

**When selecting a site, we don’t typically place students at their home institutions so that you can experience a different research environment. Please note that we look especially at the personal statements, the reasons students are interested, attention to detail in the statements, and whether students’ interests are a good match for our research projects. We encourage students to look at the project descriptions on our sites and/or the professors’ recent scientific articles to understand what projects they are currently working on in order to select the best match and to explain why they are interested in that research  in their applications.**

Published in Research STEM Activities