The Graduate Fellowship Award is based on merit (not need) and consists of a cost-of-education allowance and a personal-support stipend.
The cost-of-education allowance is accepted by all of the tenable schools in lieu of all fees and tuition. Hertz Fellows therefore have no liability for any ordinary educational costs, regardless of their choice among tenable schools.
Successful applicants have the choice of two Fellowship options:
Option 1 – Five Year Hertz
- $31,000/ 9-month personal stipend*
- Full tuition equivalent
- Renewable for up to 5 years
Option 2 – Five-Year Coordinated
- Hertz Period – Two Years
- $36,000/ 9-month personal stipend*
- Full tuition equivalent
Other Fellowship Period – Up to Three Years
- $5,000/ year supplemental stipend* from Hertz
- Requires Awardee to accept a 3-year Fellowship from another source
The Five-Year Hertz Fellowship award (Option 1) is renewable annually (upon a showing of satisfactory progress toward receipt of the Ph.D. degree) for a total Fellowship tenure of no more than five years.
* $5,000/ year additional stipend for Fellows with dependent children.
Fellows must attend one of the Foundation’s tenable schools, or must petition the Foundation to include a school that he/she desires to attend.