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Sacnas National Conference

SACNAS is an organization that encourages minority students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessarry for leadership roles, research careers, and science teaching professions at all levels. SACNAS is a deverse and inclusive society with members who are professors, government leaders, research scientists, K-12 teachers, and students.

We invite all your undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty to attend the National Conference and to present their research to the SACNAS community.

This year’s Travel Scholarship and Abstract Submission deadline is May 1st.

The SACNAS conference is a once-a-year event that brings together scientific symposia, research presentations, professional development sessions, cultural events, and networking opportunities for members of the minority scientific community. Please help us share this opportunity with the students and faculty at your institutions!

SACNAS offers scholarships to undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs to attend the conference. For more information, please visit our website at:

In addition, Student Poster and Oral Presentations are a unique opportunity to hone presentations skills and get valuable feedback on research. Student and postdoc research abstracts are published in the Annual Research Abstract Volume. Awards are given to outstanding research presentations. For more information, please visit our website at:

For additional information, contact or (831) 459-0170 ext. 224. Also visit our website at for learn more about our programs and conference opportunities.

Abstract AND TRAVel SCHOLARSHIPDeadline:

May 1, 2008

Published in STEM Activities