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HOOKED ON PHOTONICS-10 week Summer Research Program

The Center on Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research (CMDITR) is part of a major National Science Foundation funded initiative that focuses on the science of photonics and its applications in materials science and information technology.

CMDITR is located at three universities:

* University of Washington
* University of Arizona
* Georgia Institute of Technology

In contrast to electronics, which deals with the transfer and storage of information using electricity, photonics involves the use of light to control, transmit and manipulate information.

Advances in the science of photonics have the potential to vastly increase available bandwidth, allowing for ultra-fast communications over a new optically based network. CMDITR researchers are working on the leading edge of these new technologies: light emitting diodes, photovoltaic cells, nano-fabrication, transistors, and optical switching devices.
Program Mission

As an NSF-funded science and technology center, CMDITR is committed to creating new opportunities for interdisciplinary, hands-on education as well as a better trained, diverse workforce in the area of materials and devices for information technology.

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program Hooked on Photonics, is one way CMDITR accomplishes these goals. By facilitating research experiences for undergraduates amongst groups with diverse research capabilities and interests, the REU program provides new, novel learning experiences that can play a key role in encouraging students to continue with graduate work in photonics.

Program Details

Who Should Apply

Undergraduates of all levels, especially rising sophomores and juniors with interest in chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering or optics. CMDITR strongly encourages applications from underrepresented minority groups and women. US Citizenship or permanent residency is required.

Dates & Duration
HoP is a 10 week summer program, but specific dates vary by institution.

* University of Washington:
June 21, 2010 – August 27, 2010
* University of Arizona:
June 7, 2010 – August 11, 2010
* Georgia Tech:
May 24, 2010 – July 30, 2010

The application deadline for the Hooked on Photonics program is February 15, 2010. Acceptance letters will be mailed on April 1st, 2010.

Students accepted into the HoP program will receive a stipend of $4,500 for their participation. In addition, funds will be available to support travel as well as on-campus food and housing.

Most students are encouraged to reside in on campus housing during the program. Once accepted into the program, details concerning compensation, reimbursements, travel and housing arrangements will be sent to you.

Published in Employment Research Scholarships