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2010-2011 CSU-LSAMP Student Scholars Program

Are you currently a SDSU LSAMP student?

Are you interested in going on to obtain your Masters or PhD in Science or Engineering?

Do you need extra money for books, tuition, to conduct research, lab supplies, GRE test registration, Grad school Application Fees, visit Grad schools, travel to conferences, etc?

Do you have 1- 2 years left before Graduating from SDSU?

If you said YES to all the above, you can be eligible for a $2000 LSAMP Scholarship?

Please find attached the 2010-2011 CSU-LSAMP Student Scholars applications for $2000 Scholarship for 2010-2011

All applications are due to me (Thelma) by Friday, February 5, 2010 by NOON (NO EXCEPTIONS). These applicaions MUST BE reviewed then those selected with me sent to the CSU-LSAMP Oversight Committee. Applications must include: a typed application (sections I – VII), and the financial aid form with the student’s 2009-2010 financial aid award letter** which clearly shows the student’s unmet need.
If funded, the 2010-2011 CSU-LSAMP Student Scholars Program will begin June 1, 2010. Funds will need to encumbered by May 31, 2011.

Please let me know if you plan on applying via

Published in Scholarships