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EYH Conference

Expanding Your Horizons
San Diego, 2010

When: Saturday, March 6, 2010
Where: University of San Diego

Call for Female Mentors!!
(Undergraduate & Graduate Students)

About the EYH Conference

Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) provides hands-on/minds-on exploration in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for 6th – 10th grade girls. Our mission is to encourage young women to pursue careers in these fields by offering interactive workshops from Architecture to Zoology. Girls from all over San Diego County will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in various areas, talk with others who share similar interests, and have women college students (you!) studying science and technology as mentors for an entire day. This year’s theme is “Sustain your Future”. Please Note: All mentors are required to attend one of three training sessions prior to the Conference which will be held Sat. 2/27 (10-11am), Mon. 3/1 (7-8pm) and Thurs. 3/4 (7-8pm) on the University of San Diego campus. Application deadline is Wednesday, March 3, 2010 so sign up today!

Who is an EYH Mentor?

o EYH mentors are enthusiastic female undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. All Majors are welcome!

o Mentors should enjoy working with girls aged 11-16 and be willing to share positive experiences about what it’s like to be a college student.

Role of Mentors

o Mentors will work in pairs to chaperone a group of approximately 15 girls for a full day of conference activities.

o Greet girls at the registration area and conduct ice-breaking games to help the girls bond with each other and prepare for the day’s events.

o Escort girls to workshops and act as an “extra set of hands”, ensuring that girls are respectful to the presenters, understand their instructions, and participate in the experiments and activities.

o Eat lunch (provided) with the girls and answer questions they may have about college or workshop activities.

o Help the girls with the activity of the day; calculating their carbon footprint.

Application: Applications are available online at If attached, please fill out the application and email it to:
Question, comments, concerns?
Email Jessica Lipsky and Liz Zele at:

Published in Employment STEM Activities