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2010 NSF-STC Summer Undergraduate Internships

We would like to invite you to apply to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Science & Technology Center’s (STC) Summer Undergraduate Internship Programs. The NSF-STCs offer paid summer internships at most of our seventeen Centers, located at prestigious universities around the United States. These summer internships provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct research in a graduate school-setting in the following fields: 1) biological sciences, 2) computer and information sciences, 3) engineering, 4) geosciences, and 5) mathematical and physical sciences.

These summer research opportunities are fully-funded and are an excellent way to gain a competitive edge toward graduate school. The Centers are currently accepting applications for the 2010 Summer Programs. Deadlines are rapidly approaching. I encourage those interested in applying to visit the Center website at

for more information on application processes and deadlines.

Application Link

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing your application.

Published in Employment Research