The University of Michigan will host our annual Engineering Graduate Symposium on Friday, November 12, 2010,
Travel grants are available for prospective Ph.D. students (flights/mileage, hotels, local transportation, meals). More than 250 graduate engineering students will present posters on their current research projects. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to attend to learn more about our departments, faculty, graduate student research, admissions, funding and life at the University of Michigan. Please assist us by forwarding this message to students at your institution or national organization.
A short online application process is involved for travel grant consideration. Junior level students will have the highest level of priority. Applicants must reside within the United States. Students should be within 1-2 years of attending graduate school and have a strong interest in research. Those who are invited to attend this fall program will have all their expenses paid. Full details can be found on the website. Students should submit their completed applications by late September:
• Travel grant application,
• Electronic unofficial transcripts
• Resume
• One faculty letter of recommendation
Mike Nazareth
Associate Director for Graduate Education
College of Engineering, University of Michigan
1240A LEC, 1221 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2102
ph: (734) 647-7077, fx: (734) 647-7908
If you have any questions, please direct them toward Mike.