Nominate a Great Young Engineer
Do you know an outstanding young engineer who deserves national recognition for their achievement? MentorNet is excited to announce that it will support as many as five nominees to the Recognition Program for Engineers Week 2011 sponsored by the National Engineers Week Foundation.
A panel of MentorNet judges will select five nominations to be forwarded onto the award committee. A winner will be selected to be featured with the New Faces from other participating societies and government agencies in a full-page ad in the USA Today during Eweek, February 20 – 26, 2011. Each photo will be captioned with the engineer’s name, sponsor, employer and a brief statement of the individual’s accomplishments.
Guidelines are below.
Your Nominee:
1. Must be an engineer 30 years of age or younger as of December 31, 2010
2. Have a degree in engineering from a recognized U.S. college or university, or from an equivalent international education institution. Degrees in engineering technology, science, computer science, and similar disciplines do not qualify; a degree in computer engineering is acceptable.
3. Must be associated with MentorNet either by having participated as a mentor or a protégé.
To Apply:
1. Please send submissions to by Monday, October 11th at 5pm (PST). Applications must be submitted through MentorNet, not through Eweek.
2. Applications must be complete and must be submitted electronically on the form we have provided. To download the application, visit and click on “Download Application” at the top of the page.
To learn more about the New Faces of Engineering program, please visit
Candice Nance
Director of Media and Communications
MentorNet, the E-Mentoring Network for Diversity in Engineering and Science
tel: 408.296.4405
fax: 408.296.4404