HST Summer Institute, 2011
The Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) is sponsoring its 2011 Summer Institute with one track in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) and one in Biomedical Optics. We would like to invite undergraduate students from your institution to visit our website at http://web.mit.edu/hstsummer. Please note the application deadline for both tracks is January 31, 2011.
The Summer Institute in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics offers an intensive internship that includes classes, research projects and training in technical communication. Classes with clinical researchers meet twice a week; the mentored research projects, carried out under the supervision of investigators at Harvard Medical School, the Harvard teaching hospitals and MIT, may, and often do, result in refereed publications. The labs are located in various Harvard Medical School sites, including Children’s Hospital and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Please note that this is a research-oriented program for students who aspire to a career involving research in genetics/genomics and/or bioinformatics/computer science and related disciplines. Our partner for the program is the i2b2 National Center for Biomedical Computing. Contact this program by email to bigsummer@mit.edu. Through this contact, applicants may also be connected with the director of the program.
The MGH Summer Institute in Biomedical Optics is run by the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). During the summer, students attend a graduate level class, work on a specific project in a lab, and receive additional training in technical communications and responsible conduct of research. The mentors in this program are academically demanding; they are looking for students with strong math and physics backgrounds as well as biology. Contact this program by email to BioOpticsSummerInstitute@partners.org.
So far, we’ve had rave reviews for both programs!
We are looking for a combination of academic excellence and diversity in our summer students. Underrepresented minority students are encouraged to apply. The lab descriptions on the website state more specific requirements for Biomedical Optics. In the Bioinformatics program, students will be matched with a lab based on their stated interests and dialogue with the program director.
While the idea of a joint program at both Harvard and MIT may be intimidating to some students, please know that lab mentors are aware that undergraduates are not post-docs, and that their job as mentors is to encourage, not dissuade, students from pursuing research. Boston is a lovely place to be in the summer with our long days and ideal climate, and a big part of our job is to make sure students have fun, meet lots of people, and feel well cared for.
Please submit the application and transcript by January 31, 2011. Two letters of recommendation are also required.
Please visit our website for more information at: http://web.mit.edu/hstsummer. (There is a poster available advertising each program at the bottom of the initial webpage.)
Note: Students are required to attend the entire nine weeks (with rare exceptions made when school schedules or presentation opportunities are an issue), and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Housing is provided on the MIT campus.
With best regards,
The Summer Institute in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics, bigsummer@mit.edu
The MGH Summer Institute in Biomedical Optics, BioOpticsSummerInstitute@partners.org