Summer Research Opportunity Program information with your students.
Penn State University – College of Engineering
The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is a gateway to graduate education. The goal of the program is to increase the number of minority students who wish to pursue graduate studies and/or research careers. SROP helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities.
Program Description:
SROP students spend eight weeks at the University Park (main campus) of The Pennsylvania State University conducting research with assigned faculty mentors in their academic fields of study. Students work with their mentors, Penn State graduate students, as well other staff members to learn about the demands of graduate study and specialized research.
Exciting Research Areas Including:
EE, ME, Nuc E, Chem E,MATSE, Architectural E, and Computer Science.
Program Benefits:
• Present results of research study at the national SROP conference
• Present findings at a public Penn State research symposium
• Final research paper printed in an SROP publication
• Weekly professional development workshops on how to get into graduate school as well as how to succeed once admitted.
• Free housing and meals
• Stipend of $2,400
Application Process:
Under-represented students are encouraged to apply. U.S. citizens and permanent resident status. Please complete the application packet and return it to Dr. Anita Persaud by March 14.