The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) offers four scholarships each year to college students pursuing a degree in engineering. To be eligible, students must be either in their junior, senior, fifth, or graduate year in an engineering program in fall 2012.
The applicant must also be a U.S. citizen pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree in engineering or an accredited land-surveying program to qualify. ABET accreditation of the engineering program(s) is required.
Three General ACEC Scholarships are open to all eligible students:
• ACEC Scholar of the Year Scholarship
• Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Scholarship in Honor of David D. Kennedy
• Small Firm Council Scholarship
In addition, a Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE) Scholarship is available only to students pursuing a Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering in fall 2012.
Scholarship applications will be judged based on college grades, work experience, extra curricular activities, recommendations, and the application essay.
Entry deadline for all 2012 Scholarships is March 16, 2012.
ACEC State Member Organizations (MOs) administer the ACEC scholarship competition within their respective states. All scholarship applicants for the national scholarships must be submitted through their respective state MO. Note that some MOs also award their own state scholarships in addition to the national scholarships.
To apply for any of the scholarships, contact the ACEC Member Organization in the state in which your school is located. For detailed information about the ACEC scholarship program and a list of ACEC Member Organizations, please click here.