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Getting You into IU 2011

The Indiana University Graduate School would like to let you know that we are hosting our fall recruitment program “Getting You into IU”, which looks to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in Ph.D. studies at Indiana University. This year’s campus visit will be held Sunday, October 9 thru Wednesday, October 12, 2011 on the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses. We are looking forward to the fall program and invite you to share the attached invitation and information with your students and other colleagues who may have students also interested in pursuing Ph.D. studies.

Indiana University Graduate School will provide all travel, lodging, and meals for visiting participants selected for this program.

As a friendly reminder, applicants to “Getting You into IU” must be nominated by an advisor, faculty member or other mentor in order to be considered. The attached document contains more information. Additional information can also be found at The application deadline is September 2 . If you have questions about this program, please call or email me (


Published in Research