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Dr. Theresa Duello, Undergraduate vs. Ph.D – What to Expect in Grad. School

Friday, October 21, 2011,
2pm – 4pm, SDSU GMCS 309

Join us this Friday for a FREE Seminar with guest speaker, Dr. Theresa Duello, from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Students will learn the expectations of being enrolled in a Ph.D. program.

If you will apply to Ph.D. programs in the near future, attend this seminar to learn more about graduate program demands and get your questions answered.

Friday, October 21, 2011
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
GMCS 309

Register for this event now!

All students and majors welcome!

Sponsored by the NIH.NIGMS MBRS.IMSD Program in the College of Sciences.

Contact: 619-594-6447 or E-Mail Michelle Lopez at:

Published in Research STEM Activities