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University of Utah’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center

The University of Utah’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is pleased to announce a Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Program.

Research Experience for Undergraduates
University of Utah – Salt Lake City, UT
June 4th – August 10th 2012
Research Opportunities in Materials Science & Engineering:
• Spin effects in Organic LEDs & Solar Cells
• Plasmonic Metamaterials
· $4500 stipend + on-campus housing
· Up to $600 travel allowance
· Application deadline: March 15, 2012
· Open to U.S. citizens & permanent residents obtaining an undergraduate degree after 12/2012.
· Women & minority students are especially encouraged to apply.
· Students from non-research institutions may be given priority.

For more information, contact Chelsey Short, REU Program Coordinator: chelsey.short@utah.edu801-585-9173

Published in Employment Research