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Ph.D. Panel – Behavioral Sciences

Ph.D. Panel – Behavioral Sciences
Friday, April 20th, 2012
2:00pm – 4:30pm

Hello Scholars,

Interested in pursuing doctoral studies in the behavioral sciences?

Curious about the challenges of graduate school?

Attend this free networking seminar and learn from the Ph.D. panelists.

Clinical, Social, Public Health/Behavior Health and Epidemiology represented.

#*Desiree Byrd, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pathology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

*Priscila Diaz, Ph.D., Social Psychology
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Azusa University

*Miguel Villodas, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
Post Doctoral Fellow, UCSF

*Adriana Villasenor, Ph.D. Public Health/Health Behavioral & Epidemiology
Post Doctoral Fellow, UCSD

*Feion Gillis, Ph.D.

#sponsored by the NIH.NIGMS MARC Program Grant: 2T34GM008303-22 *sponsored by the NIH.NIGMS MBRS.IMSD Program Grant: 2R25GM058906-09A4

Published in Research STEM Activities