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Core Lab Open House

Core Lab Open House – Thursday, May 31, 2012
The core user facilities at CNSI develop and offer a wide array of cutting-edge instrumentation and technical expertise not readily available elsewhere in the United States. These shared, open-access facilities enable a broad range of scientific research and are available to academia and industry researchers in medicine, engineering, public health, the life sciences, and the physical sciences. Highly skilled scientists and engineers facilitate multidisciplinary collaborative research leading to new innovations in health, energy, the environment, and information technology. RSVP by May 24th

Fluorescence Imaging
Advanced Light Microscopy / Spectroscopy Lab
Macro-Scale Imaging Lab

Electron Microscopy
Electron Imaging Center for Nanomachines

Scanning Probe Microscopy
Nano & Pico Characterization Lab

High Throughput Screening | Drug Discovery| Functional Genomics
Molecular Shared Screening Resource

Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Integrated NanoMaterials Lab

Cleanroom Fabrication and Foundry
Integrated Systems Nanofabrication Cleanroom


2:00 – 4:00 Core Lab Presentations

4:00- 6:00pm Core Lab Tours & Networking Mixer


The California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA
570 Westwood Plaza, Building 114
Los Angeles, CA 90095
310-267-4838 Map & Directions


RSVP by May 24th to

CNSI Core Laboratories provide access, expertise, and training on state-of-the-art tools and methods to diverse users, including students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and industrial scientists from companies large and small.

Published in STEM Activities