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Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship Program (SULI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Interested in a spring internship?  Consider the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship Program (SULI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)!  Deadline to apply is October 1 – apply online now at!


ORNL is the largest science and energy laboratory in the Department of Energy system.  Scientific programs focus of materials, neutron sciences, energy, high-performance computing, systems biology and national security.  Visit to discover some exciting reasons why ORNL offers a great internship experience!


Benefits of the spring SULI program include:

·         16 weeks (January-April) engaged in a research project under the direction of a laboratory scientist or engineer

·         career development workshops

·         laboratory tours

·         stipend of $425 per week

·         travel reimbursement

·         housing allowance (for those who quality)
Contact Julie Malicoat at (865) 576-2311 or for questions or additional information!

Published in Employment Internship Research