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VIP Breakfast and High Tech Fair Showcase

San Diego STEM Collaboratory
Invites you to attend

VIP Breakfast and High Tech Fair Showcase for
San Diego County School Superintendents and STEM Collaborators


When: February 13th, from 7:30am-8:30am with Showcase to follow

Where: Del Mar Fairgrounds, Paddock Sports Pub and Wyland Hall

Why: Collective action on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education in San Diego County will help prepare California’s most STEM-capable graduates.

VIP Breakfast and High Tech Fair Showcase
We Envision a Time When: San Diego’s innovation economy is fueled with STEM talent developed in the local K-16 educational pipeline.

The San Diego STEM Collaboratory’s Mission is to:
Help San Diego County Prepare California’s Most STEM-Capable Graduates

We invite you to the VIP Breakfast and High Tech Fair Showcase on Wednesday, February 13th at 7:30am at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Paddock Sports Pub and Wyland Hall. We look forward to seeing you!


Published in News STEM Activities Volunteer