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Webinar on obtaining professional engineering licensure

Your Path to Professional Licensure

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6:30 – 7:30 pm EST

What better time to learn about professional engineering licensure than during National Engineers Week 2013!  This Webinar is designed for engineering students to convey the importance, value and benefits that licensure can bring to one’s engineering career.   The presentation will describe the step-by-step process to professional licensure and cover the basics of the FE and PE examinations relevant to engineering students and graduates.  In addition to conveying the value of licensure to students at a time when they are making preliminary, but important, decisions about the direction they want their careers to take, this Webinar contains several career profiles of professionals at nationally recognized firms who undoubtedly provide targeted information about how licensure has played a role in their success.

This webinar is open to anyone interested in learning more about obtaining licensure.   To register, visit and click on “Attend a Webinar.” The registration link will be under the “Your Path to Professional Licensure” event description.  If you are not an ASCE member, please type the word “LICENSURE” in the membership number section to complete your registration.

Path To Professional Licensure Webinar Flyer 2013 FINAL v2

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