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Summer Cancer Institute at UCSD Medical School

Summer Cancer Institute at UCSD Medical School

Applications accepted for qualified students in 10th -12th grade, Fall 2013

Oncofertility Science Institute of UC San Diego will offer a 6 week summer academy.  This is the 6th year of this Academy, and the first year that applications are open to qualified students from any high school in San Diego County.  Students must have completed a year of biology or chemistry by June 2013 in order to apply. Applications must be submitted electronically by March 4, 2013.

A complete application includes the student form and essay and recommendations from two teachers.

This is a rigorous Institute for committed and interested students.  It is taught by doctors at the UC San Diego Medical School on seven Saturdays in starting June 29.  In additions there is class on Wednesday from 5 to 8PM taught by an ourstanding and award winning high school biology and biotech teacher.  There is homework, reading assignments, quizzes, debating among the 14 students who will be selected. Each student will select a research topic, prepare an abstract and ultimately do their own scientific posters.  Posters will be judged by a panel of judges and all students will present their posters at a closing program for parents, friends and teachers on August 10.

More information including links to the posters and other content from the past five years can be found on the website at:

For all information including the application form and teacher recommendation forms, go to How to Apply

For more information, contact:
Patricia Winter,
Oncofertility Science Institute at UC San Diego, Coordinator



Published in Employment Internship Research