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Math Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) tutor positions

Are you looking for a rewarding job working in schools? SDSU’s Math Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) has MSTI Mathematics Tutor positions available now for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Who Should Apply?:
Undergraduate San Diego State University students with advanced course work in mathematics and/or engineering, and interested in a job opportunity as a mathematics tutor in middle or high schools.
The SDSU student will serve as a MSTI Mathematics Tutor to students in a Linked Learning Pathways school site with the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD).
This position is part-time and the MSTI Tutor is responsible for scheduling work time around their class schedule.
 Must be an SDSU student and enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of classes (Undergraduate)
 Must be interested in working in a middle/high school setting
 Must have advanced course work in math and/or engineering
 Some experience in tutoring is preferred, but not required
 Math major is preferred, but not required
 Must be available to work 10-20 hours per week at $10/hour
 Must be able to provide their own transportation
If interested, please contact Mernie Aste, MSTI Coordinator: Phone: (619) 594-8302 – Email: Website: – MSTI Office: EBA-222A

MSTI Tutor Job Application

MSTI Tutor Job Description

Published in Employment Volunteer