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NOMAR’s 11th Annual Conference


The National Organization for Mexican American Rights (NOMAR, Inc.) would like to invite you to our Eleventh Annual Training Conference and Business Meeting entitled “Hispanic Americans: A Growing Force for America’s Growth & Prosperity, which will be held in San Diego, California on September 3-5, 2008, (the actual training dates are September 3rd and 4th and our business meeting is on the 5th). Our two-day training conference will feature experts and guest speakers providing valuable information on the topics of employment, in federal government as well as a cross-over into the private sector. NOMAR has traditionally set two important panel discussions at the top of the program at our conference; “La Mujer Hispana”, a panel of highly successful Latinas sharing their success stories and “Hispanic Employment Program Managers” at the agency level from Washington, D.C. Other workshops and presentations address all three areas of our charter, education, civil rights and employment.

A half day is also dedicated to university and high school students excited about current and future career opportunities, as well as, seeking mentoring and counseling from workshop presenters, sponsors and exhibitors. This is concurrent with the other workshops (student and participant training tracks). If you would like to be a part of the college student participation, please contact Marlow Martinez our Conference Chair in San Diego at Marlow Martinez MARLOW.MARTINEZ@NAVY.MIL, or by phone at 619.767.7438 & 619.656.2856. His information is also on the attached flyer.

The conference will also feature an exposition of exhibits. You may also elect to be a sponsor, have an exhibit or advertise in our conference program book. For more details on the conference, registration, sponsorship, exhibits and advertising opportunities, please visit our website at

Published in STEM Activities