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Seeking SDSU Nominees for Rhodes Scholarship, Graduate Study at Oxford University

We are currently seeking SDSU nominees for students interested in graduate study at Oxford University in all disciplines (Humanities, STEM, Medical Sciences, or Social Sciences).

Please forward to your graduating seniors (May or Dec 13 graduates).  The Rhodes Scholarship requires endorsement from SDSU.   Attached is a Q and A document for students to read.

2012_FAQ_6_28_12 Apply Rhodes

Additional information can be found:

to view the various courses available at Oxford.  The timeline for all deadlines are fast approaching:

June 28, 2013

-Applications due to SDSU Office of Academic Scholarships in Admin 101.

August 1, 2013

-Five to Eight Letters of Recommendation Due

October 1, 2013

– Final Application is due

Published in Research Scholarships