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MESA Scholarship Opportunity: HENAAC Scholarships and travel to Houston

The Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference (HENAAC) has a goal of providing over $250,000 in scholarships in 2008.  Scholarship dollar amounts range from $500 to $5,000. The total number of scholarships awarded will be based on final contributions given to the scholarship program by July 30, 2008.

HENAAC encourages all engineering, applied science, computer science and math students to apply this year. Here are the steps you should follow to submit your 2008 application:

1.      Download the 2008 application.

2.      Submit your completed application, transcript, letters of recommendation, essay and resume in one envelope by the postmark date of April 30, 2008.

3.      You only need to submit one application and accompanying materials to be considered for all the sponsored scholarships.

4.      HENAAC will determine the various scholarships you quality for based on your submitted application.

5.      HENAAC will send you a postcard confirmation by May 30, 2008 indicating that your application is either complete or incomplete.

6.      The HENAAC Selection Committee will meet to determine the 2008 scholarship recipients.

7.      If you were selected as a 2008 HENAAC scholar, you will be notified no later than July 31, 2008.

8.      All HENAAC scholarships will be presented and awarded at the 20th Annual HENAAC Conference in Houston, Texas on October 10-12, 2008.

9.      HENAAC provides complimentary registration and hotel accommodations for all scholarship recipients. Qualifying students may also receive transportation support.

10.     Scholarship recipients MUST attend the conference to receive the scholarship.

Scholarship information:

Scholarship application (due 30 April):

Published in Scholarships