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GETUP: Energy Upgrade Career Training

Applications for the GETUP Energy Upgrade Career Training Program due on Friday (Sept 27) … Act Now!

The GETUP Energy Upgrade Career Training program, organized by the California Center for Sustainable Energy, is accepting applications until 5pm on Friday(September 27th) for their upcoming class.

The career training program focuses on preparing students with the practical skills necessary to become employed in the home performance workforce. The training delivers 3 weeks of hands-on intensive skill-based instruction, culminating in a 40-hour paid ($15/hr.) internship opportunity with a local home performance contracting company. The majority of previous GETUP graduates (60+) have been hired part-time or full-time in the home performance industry following their internship placements.

The upcoming class starts on October 14th. For more information and to apply to the GETUP program, please visit

Published in Employment Internship SDG&E Green Academy Training