SDG&E 2009 Engineering & Technology Expo and Career Fair flier
Come learn about SDG&E’s Smart Green Grid initiatives and available careers in the energy industry! This event will give college students and professionals the opportunity to meet and network with engineering and technology industry experts.
Learn from an expert…
Caroline Winn is the Director of Transmission & Distribution Asset Management at SDG&E. She is responsible for the development of asset strategy, investment planning, electric reliability and technology innovation, and development for the electric transmission and distribution system. Caroline also manages the Smart Grid initiatives as part of Sempra Energy’s business transformation project, OpEx 20/20. She is a registered Professional Electrical Engineer. Caroline joined SDG&E in 1986 and has held various positions within the electric transmission, distribution engineering and operations areas.
San Diego Gas and Electric
8326 Century Park Ct Bldg CP61L
San Diego, Ca 92123