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Category: STEM Activities

Non-MESA activities.

General Tips on Applying to Graduate School and CV Development Workshop

*Anyone interested in applying to graduate school in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) or behavioral sciences discipline

*Anyone interested in creating a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for research placement/graduate school OR wanting to gain tips on improving their current CV

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Barcelona Summer Study Abroad Program

We welcome you to join us for the following upcoming informational sessions for the College of Arts and Letters International Programs Office:

2013 Barcelona Summer Study Abroad Program with Dr. Juan Godoy

San Diego State University

Wednesday, November 7
2:00pm-3:00pm — AL422

Monday, November 19
1:00pm-2:00pm — AL462

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A Walk for Education

The goal of A Walk for Education (AWFE) is “to increase awareness of the opportunities available through education particularly in the STEM fields and to shatter myths about African-Americans in math, science, engineering and other technologies.” AWFE is a grassroots program in which NSBE members go door to door in underserved Black communities and hand out information on college, scholarship information, SAT/ACT preparation tools, NSBE and share information on the benefits of majoring in STEM fields. AWFE is the primary outreach and advertising mechanism of TORCH. AWFE is a one-time broad effort to reach into the community and initiate a relationship that can be developed further through other TORCH activities.

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Annual Diversity Employment Day Career Fair

A rare opportunity to meet with San Diego’s top Engineering firms will become available on Wednesday, October 24th at the Annual Diversity Employment Day Career Fair taking place at the Handlery Hotel from 11am-3pm. It’s free and open to the public!

We invite you to share with your members, associates and peers the information (below). For further details please visit

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Bridge Design Competition for Undergrads at 7NSC

Undergraduate student teams are encouraged to participate in a new bridge design competition that will take place during the 7th National Seismic Conference (7NSC) on Bridges and Highways, Oakland, CA, May 20-22, 2013.

This dynamic competition will emphasize the seismic design of a bridge – so it can resist shaking from an earthquake simulating shaking table during the competition! The competition is intended for undergraduate engineering students teams from four and two year colleges.

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AWIS Hosted Career Information Opportunity

The San Diego Chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Outreach committee is hosting a panel discussion for women undergraduates interested in careers in science and engineering. This event would greatly benefit undergraduates in San Diego County who are in pursuit of a degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Because you are in a position to inspire and encourage future scientists, we would appreciate if you could forward the following announcement to those you think might be interested.

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Stanford Recruiter at SDSU

Come learn about summer research programs and PhD graduate school options at Stanford University.

Thursday, October 18, 2012 at12:30pm – 2:00pm at SDSU Room GMCS 602

If you are interested in learning more about PhD programs in Biosciences at Stanford University, opportunities for summer research at Stanford, or guidance on how to prepare and apply to PhD programs, this will be a great info session for you!


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9 Spaces left-Networking Event-One Vision Many Voices (Oct 11th)

We have 9 spaces open for the joint engineering event. We have a 45 NSBE allocation and these are the 36 names who RSVP’ed. Today at noon, we will submit our final list. Tell your colleagues, friends, boss, NSBE collegiate chapters etc. to come to the event. The primary purpose of this event is to highlight our SEEK outreach program and to network with professionals from SWE and SHPE.

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