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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

WOW! Outreach Event

Do you want to share your engineering skills with aspiring young women ?

Here’s your chance to interact with 200 middle school students from
all over San Diego at a one day only event by helping them learn about engineering with fun interactive experiments!

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Environmental Intern

There is an internship opportunity at Rick Engineering. This student will be paid at $16/hour and this is for the summer. They would like to keep the student, and potentially hire him/her when s/he graduates.

Attached is some additional information. If you are interested, send me a resume and cover letter and I will send it to Rick Engineering.

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UGA 10th Annual Future Scholars Visitation Program

The University of Georgia Graduate School Outreach and Diversity Office (ODO) is delighted to announce the 10th annual Future Scholars Visitation Program to be held on November 7 – 9, 2010.

This opportunity serves as a recruitment tool for prospective graduate students to visit the University of Georgia campus. This program follows along with the University of Georgia’s strategic plan to create a more diverse environment by recruiting students from underrepresented populations. Graduating seniors and alumni from various institutions, including all Georgia colleges and universities, minority-serving institutions, and graduate preparation programs are invited to apply.

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SLAC’s National Accelerator Laboratory Diversity Internship Program

The SLAC laboratory designs, constructs, and operates state-of–the-art electron accelerators and related experimental facilities, and conducts research in astrophysics, photon science, accelerator and particle physics.

SLAC invites college graduates who meet the qualificiations to apply for this one year paid professional internship. You will be matched with a mentor to guide you through your internship experience.

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HACU National Internship

HACU National Internship Program! Whether you are a student looking for an internship, or a federal agency or corporation looking for an intern, we feel confident that we can help you in your pursuit. This website contains information about our mission, our sponors and alumni, our upcoming program dates and deadlines, and our staff. We have also provided answers to your most frequently asked questions

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17th Annual Olympics & Robotics Competition

Teams consisting of MESA students at San Diego State University (SDSU), San Diego City College (SDCC), Southwestern Community College (SWC), Morse High School, Imperial Valley High School, and William Moreno Jr. High School competed against each other in exams that spanned Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, and some Engineering material.

Each campus was also allowed up to 3 teams who would program a LEGO MindStorm NXT robotics kit to compete in 2 missions. The first mission required speed and intelligence to maneuver from a home area through a slalom course. The second mission was a combination control and head-to-head event where robots raced to collect the most LEGO pieces and return them back to their home base under a constrained area and time limit.

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MESA/SPAWAR Training Academy

The 3rd Annual Team SPAWAR MESA Training Academy took place at the SPAWAR Old Town facility in San Diego, California, on Friday, March 19, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The purpose of the training academy was to expose a diverse group of college level engineering, math, and science students to the world of Civil Service employment and the skills needed to succeed in the workplace as an acquisition professional or engineer.

SPAWAR facilitated discussions and training regarding Employment Programs and Benefits, The New Professional Program, Life as a New Professional, and Director of Organizational Development and Training Management, Dr. Douglas Fenner, presented Leadership/Workforce Development: A Global Literacy Perspective. Dr. Fenner also recommended several readings to increase students’ self-leadership skills.

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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Jobs

NASA is more than astronauts. We are scientists, engineers, computer programmers, personnel specialists, accountants, writers, maintenance workers, and much much more. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is the home to the nation’s largest organization of combined scientists, engineers and technologists who build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study the Earth, the Sun, our Solar System, and the Universe. From high school interns to accomplished Nobel Prize winners, each member of the Goddard team plays a vital role in mission success.

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SPAWAR Teaching Opportunity

If you are interested in teaching, we have an opportunity for you!. Work with SPAWAR in developing projects and teaching kids K-12 science and engineering concepts.

This is a summer internship with flexible hours.

Students in MESA/NSF/SPSD/MEP/MSP are eligible for an NSF Stipend of $1,250 for 100 hours of work. All other interested students may volunteer without pay to do this.

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