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News and press releases regarding MESA and the San Diego MESA Alliance.

2012 Shadow Day

Through the San Diego MESA Alliance, college students will have a unique experience to witness the “real world” of work in an engineering or scientific environment. Your involvement will provide a great opportunity for our up and coming students to “test the waters” in a field of their interest and see first-hand how classroom skills relate to the workplace.
What better way to do that, than observe and work with a professional in action! You the employer, get to make a positive impact on the lives of students; future engineers and scientists!
More information can be found at

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Directory of Projects for First-Year Engineering Students

There you will find assignment statements for more than 100 projects currently being used at both community colleges and 4-year institutions across the nation. Many of the projects are design, build, test projects. Others focus on one or more aspects of student development. Some projects are small (one or two weeks) while others are comprehensive (semster long or year long).

Also included in the directory is a catalog of 33 regional and national engineering student design competitions (e.g., steel bridge truss, solar splash, Baja SAE, etc.). Although these projects are not strictly for first-year engineering students, you can perhaps find a role for your students in them.

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San Diego MESA Alliance receives SDG&E Green Future grant

San Diego MESA Alliance receives SDG&E Green Future grant

October 18, 2012

San Diego, CA – The San Diego Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Alliance has been awarded a $30,000 San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Green Future grant.

The objective of the grant is three-fold: 1) Enhance/develop energy efficiency and sustainable building job skills training that meets current industry demand; 2) Improve outreach of and promote participation in training programs, especially for the hard-to-reach worker, and 3) Provide “green” career exploration opportunities to post-secondary education students.

With respect to the third objective, A Green Future is interested in reaching post-secondary education students. The goal is to create student awareness of worthwhile careers in energy efficiency and sustainability, and from there provide opportunities to explore those fields more directly and in greater
depth. There is also a desire to help students understand what education, training or experience is typically required in the sustainability career of their interest.

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Mesa building equals ‘Green Geek’ to the eighth power

Combined with the power of Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement, Leeds Standards Certification, and Eight Sustainability Stewardship Standards adapted by COD’s Green Council; stands a 40,200 sq ft tribute to the latest Green Technology. The Mesa Building, also known as “The Green Geek”, was funded by the Measure B Bond Program and budgeted at nearly $17 million.

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Gooru: Free Search Engine for Learning

There is a new “academic-based” search engine. It looks like a perfect tool for MESA creators.

A Search Engine for Learning

Teachers and students can use Gooru to search for rich collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos,
games and quizzes created by educators in the Gooru community.

Gooru is free (of cost and ads) and developed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to honor the
human right to education.

Here is the link:

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