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Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique

Northrop Grumman representatives Desiree Galenti and Beilee Tracey facilitated a presentation on ‘Interviewing for a Job’ on Monday, March 15, 2010 at San Diego State University Career Services from 1:00 – 4:00 pm.  They covered topics such as:

  • The résumé
  • Interview Preparation
  • What to wear (and not!)
  • Types of Interviews
  • The Interview
  • Practice Questions
  • Where to look for guidance
  • Additional Resources

Their presentation can be download here.

Representatives from Infrastructure Engineering Corporation, Northrop Grumman, and San Diego Gas & Electric/Sempra Energy also hosted appointments for one-on-one mock interviews (at 30 minutes), and resume critiques/cover letter critiques (at 30 minutes).

The presentation and workshops were strongly recommended to those students interested in applying for the annual MESA/NSF Summer Team Internships.

Photo coverage from the event can be found at the SDMA Facebook page and a very special thanks goes to our industry volunteers and their respective companies for their time and continued support of the MESA programs. Thank you for furthering the development of our future engineers and scientists.

Photo gallery:

Published in Employment MESA Activities News Summer Team Internship Training