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SDSA Robo Expo

Annual SDSA Robo Expo to take place from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on October 6 at Cuyamaca College.

Historically Robo Expo has been a low key event displaying different industrial and recreational applications of practical robotics. However, the advent of public awareness of how important STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) education and experience is to the next generations of citizens makes the 2012 Robo Expo an incredibly valuable opportunity for us to reach the general public with information and educational opportunities for students and adults alike.

SDSA is working to provide a dynamite exhibition hall for the public, a series of concurrent classes and informational sessions, and a student showcase to conclude the day for the 2012 Expo.

San Diego Science Alliance is the catalyst for improving K-12 science education in San Diego County. We deliver quality experiential programs, build bridges between the regionĀ¹s diverse business, education and scientific research communities, and foster public/private partnerships to increase science literacy.


Published in STEM Activities