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UVA Summer Internships Positions – Application Deadline 2/15

The Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs at the University of Virginia has exciting opportunities for those interested in paid summer research experiences.  Please review the brief description below.  We sincerely hope you will consider joining us as we strive to provide students with the requisite knowledge and skills to lead efforts to cure and/or better treat human disease in the 21st Century.

22nd Annual University of Virginia Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP)
Ten week summer research internships are available for qualified undergraduates considering a career in biomedical research. We pay a generous stipend ($4,590 in 2012), and we provide round-trip travel and housing to those accepted. Supported by peer-reviewed NIH grants and other extramural organizations, SRIP exposes a diverse group of students to current biomedical research.  SRIP alumni have had great success at starting their research careers and many have enrolled in our graduate programs at UVA.  The 2013 application deadline is February, 15th 2013.  Please complete an online application and send two letters of recommendation as well as official transcripts by that date.  For complete information and to access the application please visit.

Published in Employment Internship Research