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Scholarships in support of the GLBT community

The Guys Like Us 2008 Scholarship Application

Guys Like Us will be awarding two community leaders with two $1,000 college scholarships. The recipients must be either a graduating high school senior in San Diego county, or be currently enrolled at a San Diego college, university or trade/vocational institution. He or she must be attending college or trade school in the fall of 2008, and must meet a few other academic criteria. The winners must be a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender student, or must have a birth or adopted parent of the GLBT community to qualify for this scholarship. Please include this information in your personal statement. The deadline for submission of all materials is June 20, 2008.

Purpose of the Scholarship:

Guys Like Us would like to provide a college scholarship opportunity for a young leader, and this will affirm our mission statement. GLU is devoted to providing a positive growth environment and we want to raise funds in support of those who are less fortunate, and have a worthy cause.

Mission Statement:

Our mission statement is to introduce, promote and raise awareness of the gay Asian experience in our community by bringing the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) communities together to share and experience the gay Asian culture. We provide social support, camaraderie, and positive growth environment and we are dedicated to fostering ethnic unity and diversity. We are devoted to support those less fortunate through our common interest in the community and our zeal to raise funds in support of local charities.

Criteria for Candidates:

• Graduating high school senior, or current San Diego college student who will be attending classes in the fall of 2008.

• Minimum GPA of 2.50.

• Must submit an official high school transcript.

• Must also submit a copy of your letter of acceptance from the institution you plan to attend, or college registration information.

• A typewritten personal statement.

• A letter of recommendation from a teacher or reputable community leader.

• A type written essay on the challenges of being someone who is, or has a direct family member or best friend of the GLBT community, and how this diverse experience has helped this young leader become an advocate and supporter of the GLBT community. The essay should keep in mind GLU’s mission and be able to support their values in their essay. The essay should be no longer than four pages, double spaced.

Guys Like Us is an organization supporting gay Asian youth. You do not have to be Asian, or necessarily gay, or even youth, in order to apply. You DO need to prove that you are supportive of the GLBT community in San Diego. Deadline to apply is 20 June 2008.

Published in Scholarships