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2010 REU in Nanotechnology, UMass Amherst

This is announcing that the 2010 Nanotechnology Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is now accepting applications and we welcome students to apply. Please forward this email to all students who may be interested and thank you for your partnership
in helping students gain experience in preparation for their futures in science and engineering.

Please see the attached flyer and visit the SURE program website for more details and the application:

Undergraduates majoring in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Electrical& Computer Engineering, Polymer Science & Engineering, and Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, and underrepresented minority student are especially encouraged to apply.

The program runs for 10 weeks, June 1 – Aug 7, 2010. We provide a $3400 stipend and free travel to campus and housing in our newest dormitory. Students also participate in additional outside-the-lab academic and social activities with other REU students on campus.

In the past, the program has been an excellent way for students to gain first-time lab experience in cutting-edge research, expand their knowledge in a chosen science/engineering discipline, and/or explore interests in new areas of

Space is limited so apply as soon as possible — the deadline is Feb 28, 2010.

(Students interested in other REUs at UMass Amherst can visit this link:

Published in Employment Research