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ASCE Pipelines Conference 2010

Student Days at Pipelines 2010

August 29 – September 1, 2010 in beautiful Keystone, Colorado, the Construction Institute (CI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will present its signature Student Days to create, for engineering students and faculty, a unique real-world engineering experience that will give a practical perspective to the pipeline industry through educational sessions and networking with a variety of industry professionals.

Students will join an international audience representing all sectors of the engineering industry at the ASCE Pipelines Conference 2010. There will be opportunities to attend a workshop and hear expert panelists cover topics including pipeline issues in water, wastewater, oil and gas industries from a variety of perspectives. Attendees will hear from speakers representing areas of infrastructure assessment and monitoring, construction, design, and planning, in addition to learning about new and emerging technologies. Top it all off with a technical tour at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

CI has developed the CI Student Day’s program which is specially designed to introduce Civil Engineering students to the wide variety of professional career options after graduation and provide opportunities to experience some of those first-hand. In the past two years, CI has worked closely with ASCE local sections and industry leaders in California, Texas and New York to bring students a program rich with interactive presentations on technical advancements in the field. A key feature of the program is that students are provided with job search advice as they network throughout the program with corporate sponsors and recruiters.

Planned Student Agenda:

Sunday 8/29: Arrival, Registration and evening orientation with CI staff and Younger Members

Sunday 8/29: Icebreaker with all conference attendees

Monday 8/30: Technical presentations and Speed Networking! the ultimate

Experience in information gathering and interviewing with corporate sponsors/recruiters.

Tuesday 8/31: Technical presentations and job fair

Wednesday 9/1: Technical Tour of the Bureau of Reclamation

Funding is available for travel assistance. Hotel rooms will be subsidized by CI. Students are encouraged to travel in car pools and will be place in multi-person rooms.

Please check the website for updated registration and program information as well as contact information for questions.

Links include:

Please check the box on the registration form if you are participating in “Student Days” events.

Published in News STEM Activities