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Cornell University – Diversity Hosting Weekend for Prospective Graduate Students

Are you interested in studying how the earth responds to climate change, or do you wish to slow climate change by helping to develop new energy systems? There are two Integrated Graduate Education, Research and Training (IGERT) programs at Cornell with multiple opportunities for graduate students! Come learn more about the programs and how to apply!

• The Cornell Earth Energy IGERT brings together students seeking degrees in Engineering and Geosciences in a unique program designed to provide both communities with a common language to address energy challenges. Topics include: Carbon Sequestration, Unconventional Gas from Shale Resources, Fossil Energy Recovery, Geothermal Energy, and Earth Systems Behavior and Resources.

• The Cross-Scale Biogeochemistry and Climate IGERT brings together students and faculty from nine Cornell departments, the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research to study the microbial, ecosystem, and global-scale causes and feedbacks to climate change. Topics include multi-scale study of the production and consumption of greenhouse gases as well as global earth system modeling.

Come Learn more about these programs at our IGERT Diversity Hosting Weekend on September 13-15. All applications and references are due July 16, 2012 so apply today!

Published in Research STEM Activities