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Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholarships – Fall 2012 Research/Internships

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is looking for qualified students (advanced undergraduate or graduate) interested in being part-time research assistant interns. An intern typically works 12-15 hours a week per scholar. (The number of hours can be adjusted accordingly to fulfill academic requirements).

The priority deadline to apply is on July 1, 2012. We will start matching scholars and interns, but will accept intern applications after this date. Internship positions are open until filled so applying early is recommended.

Michael Adler, Correspondent in Vienna for Agence France-Presse News
Agency. “The Bazaar Meets the Hammer: Negotiations in the Iranian Nuclear Crisis.”

Lawrence Altman, Medical Writer and ‘The Doctor’s World’ Columnist, New York Times. “Reporting on the Health of Presidents and other Political Leaders.”

Ruth Greenspan Bell, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute. “Rebooting the Climate Effort: A Research Agenda and Proposal.”

Pilar Bonet, “1991: A Fatal Year.” (Russian)

Jeff Colgan, Assistant Professor of Political Science, School of International Service, American University. “The Pathways from Oil to War.”

Bettye Collier-Thomas, Professor, Department of History, Temple University. “In Politics and in Politics to Stay: The History of African American Women and Politics.”

Zdenek David, Former Librarian, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC. . “The Philosophical and Religious Background of T.G. Masaryk’s Politics.” (German or Czech)

George Derlugyan, Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy, New York University, Abu Dhabi. “The Soviet Collapse, China’s Rise: A Comparative Macrosociological Interpretation.”

Steven Dudley, Co-director, InSight Crime, Washington, D.C. “Old Cartels and New Gangs: the Disintegration of the Underworld and its Impact on the Region.” (Spanish)

Barbara Falk, “Confronting the Brave New World: Post 9/11 Domestic Terrorist Prosecution in Canada and the United States.”

Jan Marie Fritz, Professor at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio; Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Human Rights, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark; and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg , South Africa. “Women, Girls and Transitions from Autocracy.”

Nobuo Fukuda, Staff Writer, former Jakarta Bureau Chief and London Correspondent of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, Japan. “Open Nationalism and Democratic Transitions in Asia.” (Mandarin Chinese or Hindi)

Kenneth Greene, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at Austin. “Political Finance and Party Systems in Latin America.” (Spanish)

John Hamilton, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Hopkins P. Breazeale Professor of Journalism, Louisiana State University. “A History on the Committee on Public Information.”

Miles Kahler, Rohr Professor of Pacific International Relations, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and Distinguished Professor of Political Science, University of California, San Diego. “A Reordered World: Emerging Economies and Global Governance.” (Mandarin Chinese)

William Krist, Former Senior Vice- President, American Electronics Association, Washington, DC. “Globalization and America’s Trade Agreements.”

Dennis Kux, Former Foreign Service Officer and US Ambassador to Ivory. Currently updating “Disenchanted Allies,” a history of US-Pakistan relations the Wilson Center published in 2001.

Patrick Radden Keefe, Fellow, The Century Foundation and Freelance Nonfiction Writer. “Kickback: Understanding the Dynamics of Global Corruption.”

Charles King, Professor of International Affairs, Georgetown University. “The Rise of Modern Turkey.” (Turkish)

Giwon Kwon, Staff Director, Korean National Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Trade and Unification. Working on a project on the history of inter-Korean relations from the late 1940s to the present. (Korean)

Zhongjie Lin, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “China’s Massive Urbanization and Emerging New Town Movement.” (Mandarin Chinese)

Helma Lutz, Professor of Sociology, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. “The Care Curtain of Europe: A Critique of the Global Care Chain Concept.” (Russian, Polish, or Romanian)

Steven Meyers, “Vladimir Putin Biography.” (Russian)

William B. Milam, Former Senior US Diplomat and US Ambassador in both South Asia and West Africa, with publications on both regions. (French)

Mae Ngai, Professor of History, Columbia University. “Yellow and Gold: The Chinese Mining Diaspora, 1848-1908.” (Mandarin Chinese)

Jeffery Paige, Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan. “The Discourse of Indigenous Revolution in the Andes.”

Eleonore Pauwels, Governance and Ethics Unit, Directorate for Economy, Science and Society, European Commission, Belgium. “A Critical Approach toward the Progressive “ethnicisation” of Science and Governance: The Case of Cognitive Enhancement Technology in the EU and the US.”

Cornelia Pillard, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center. “Reinventing Work Law: Codes of Corporate Conduct in the New Global Workplace.” (Mandarin Chinese or Spanish)

James Reston, Jr., Independent Writer, Chevy Chase, MD. Forthcoming book: “The Nineteenth Hijacker,” due in July 2012 and dedicated to Lee Hamilton.

Linda Robinson, “Afghanistan and the Future of Special Operations Forces.”

Elizabeth Saunders, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The George Washington University. “The Electoral Disconnection in US Foreign Policy.”

Susan K. Sell, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The George Washington University. “Cat and Mouse: Forum Shifting and the Battle over Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement.”

John W. Sewell, Former President of the Overseas Development Council (ODC). Working on a policy paper, “Development Without Aid.”

Hazel Smith, Professor of Humanitarianism and Security, Cranfield University, United Kingdom. “24 Million North Koreans: Smart Power and Social Capital.” (Korean)

Philippa Strum, Former Director, Division of United States Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC. “Women as Hidden Policy-Makers: The Story of Dorothy Kenyon.”

Susan Terrio, Professor of Anthropology and French Studies, Georgetown University. “Whose Child Am I? Undocumented, Unaccompanied Children in U.S. Custody.” (Spanish)

Gail D. Triner, Professor of History, Rutgers University. “Non-renewable Natural Resources, Institutions and Globalization in a Modern Brazilian Economy.” (Portuguese)

Sharon Weinberger, Contributing Writer,, and Columnist, BBC Future. “Risky Business: The Secret History of DARPA.”

Samuel Wells, Former Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson Center; Former Director, West European Studies Program, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. “The Worst Case: Korea and U.S. Escalation of the Cold War.” (Russian, Mandarin Chinese, or Korean)

Junhua Wu, Chairwoman and Chief Economist, The Japan Research Institute (Shanghai) Consulting Co, Ltd. “China’s Democratization: Probability and a Possible Road Map.” (Japanese or Mandarin Chinese)

Vladislav Zubok, “1991: The Collapse of the USSR and the Future of Liberalism and Nationalism in Russia.” (Russian)

The following reading and writing foreign language skills are useful and applicants should indicate their level of proficiency on the application form:
Arabic, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, or Turkish.

The WWICS Internship Application Form and detailed instructions can be found at:

The application materials consist of:
 a completed WWICS Internship Application Form (see link above)
 Cover Letter (indicating academic interests or areas of interest)
 Current Resume (indicating relevant coursework)
 3-to-5 page Writing Sample or excerpt of a recent research paper with separate Works Cited page
 2 Letters of Recommendation (do not have to be sealed by recommender); highlighting writing, research, and/or language skills would be helpful
 Transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)

Please submit your application materials in ONE COMPLETE package to:
Ms. Krishna Aniel
Internship Coordinator and Recruitment Specialist
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004-3027

Fax: (202) 691-4001

Please Note:

 Most interns are unpaid and doing an internship for academic credit. However, a modest stipend may be available if the student is not receiving academic credit.
 Because of the large number of applicants, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please do not contact to confirm the receipt of your application. If you would like to confirm the receipt of your application, please mail it with a tracking number, delivery confirmation, or email read receipt.
 Interviewed candidates will be contacted within approximately 4-6 weeks of the prescribed deadline. However, we may receive last minute intern requests from other scholars.


Published in Employment Internship Research Scholarships