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ISEC Internship

ISEC is looking for an intern in a variety of fields:


The 3D minds bring our shop drawings to life, linking the architect’s vision with the production floor. By uncovering potential trade conflicts, the Engineer troubleshoots early in the process for a smooth installation.


Are you detailed with a good head for math mixed with deadlines and addendums?  We bid every type of project, so it’s always a new venture into the world of blueprints and budgets.  General trades, medical equipment, laboratory furniture, doors, frame and hardware, and architectural woodwork specialists all bring their expertise to the bid table in this fast-paced environment.

Project Engineer

It takes a Project Engineer to make a dynamic duo. The protégé to the project manager, you are exposed to an array of responsibilities to manage the construction process. Whether in the field or at your computer, everyday will bring a new challenge. If variety is your spice of life, this is an excellent position to launch your career.

Project Manager

Albeit a bit like an orchestra conductor, the Project Manager is in constant pursuit of harmony from the owner, architect and general contractors to the subcontractors, suppliers and installers. The key to the overall project success lies in the hands of this person to communicate and deliver the project, right down to the finale.

Purchasing Agent

The puzzle of a project scope falls in many pieces; the Purchasing Agent strategically brings it all together so that the picture is complete. Building on existing vendor relationships as well as developing new partnerships, purchasing agents verify compliance with all documents. Once the parts are assembled the baton is passed to the operations staff for the next phase.


All teams need a good game plan. Staying connected with industry trends and customer needs, the Sales Person brings the strategy to the table with a broad network of architects, lab planners, owners, and general contractors.

Contact with your resume.

Published in Employment Internship