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2014 STEM Shadow Day

Through the San Diego MESA Alliance, pre-college and college students will have a unique experience to witness the “real world” of work in an engineering or scientific environment.

Industry’s involvement will provide a great opportunity for our up and coming students to “test the waters” in a field of their interest and see first-hand how classroom skills relate to the workplace. What better way to do that, than observe and work with a professional in action! Employers can make a positive impact on the lives of students; future engineers and scientists!

If this will be your first time participating in STEM Shadow Day, the way it works is simple. Students typically shadow a math, science or engineering professional from your company from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. During this time, we ask that you provide the best experience possible; this is after all a potential employee. Should you choose to participate, you have the flexibility to structure your STEM Shadow Day agenda to best match your company’s environment.  Through this program, students can picture themselves in these positions; in the near future and can also create goals to get there.

2014 STEM Shadow Day:  Thursday, November 20, 2014

For professionals/faculty/industry:

Step 1:  Please review the STEM Shadow Day industry info packet (includes program overview, sample agenda, timeline, flyer, etc.).

Step 2:  After reviewing the STEM Shadow Day industry info packet and you are interested in hosting students, please register here:

STEM Shadow Day flyer:  .doc, .pdf, .jpg

For MESA students:

Step 1:  Please review the STEM Shadow Day student info packet (includes program overview, sample agenda, deadlines, etc.)

Step 2:  After reviewing the STEM Shadow Day student info packet and you are interested in participating, please register here:  As stated in the student info packet, registering doesn’t guarantee you a STEM Shadow Day spot.

Step 3:  If matched, you will be given further instructions and will be required to attend 1 mandatory STEM Shadow Day Preparation meeting.  Choices are as follows:

  • Monday, November 10, 2014, at San Diego City College, S216, from 3:00-4:00 pm
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at San Diego State University, E201, from 2:00-2:50 pm
  • Thursday, November 13, 2014, at Southwestern College, 396, from 11:00-12:00 pm
  • Pre-college students (high school) will be informed by their MESA Director/Adviser of their meeting choice(s) and should not attend the options above at SDCC, SDSU, or SWC.

If you have any questions about MESA’s STEM Shadow Day, please contact:

Eric Pamintuan

Published in MESA Activities Research STEM Shadow Day Training Volunteer