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2009 SHPE/AHETEMS Internships


Unless otherwise noted, applications are due on Feb. 1, 2009 at


CDM is a global, full-service consulting; engineering, construction, and operations firm helping clients improve the environment and infrastructure through award-winning projects. CDM and its subsidiaries, CDM Federal Programs Corporation and CDM Constructors Inc., have partnered with AHETEMS to establish a scholarship/internship program for a SHPE undergraduate or first-year master’s student who has at least a 3.0 GPA, and who is majoring in an engineering, science or construction discipline. The award includes a $5,000 scholarship, a $6,000 paid summer internship and travel costs.

NASA MUST Scholars

SHPE has joined the Hispanic College Fund (HCF) and the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (UNCFSP) to administer NASA’s Motivating Undergraduates in Science and Technology Program (MUST). The competitive scholarship provides up to one-half of tuition not to exceed $10,000, and a paid summer internship at a NASA facility. Additionally, students benefit year-round from academic support, lecture series and mentoring.

The NASA MUST program targets underserved populations. Hispanic students are strongly encouraged to apply. An applicant must be a rising freshman, sophomore or junior at an accredited university in the United States or Puerto Rico, have earned and maintained a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA, and be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. This application is due on Feb. 2, 2009.

SHPE/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Internship

The SHPE/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Internship provides qualified Hispanic undergraduates who are U.S. citizens the opportunity to conduct state-of-the-art research at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. for 10 weeks during the summer. This competitive opportunity provides a stipend and up to $500 for travel to and from the internship site.

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (“FCX”) is an international mining industry leader based in North America. FCX has partnered with SHPE to award a scholarship/internship to full-time college students pursuing engineering or mining-related degrees. The award includes a $5,000 scholarship, $6,000 paid summer internship and travel costs.

NNSA Consortium Internship Program

A separately organized agency within the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) manages and secures the nation’s nuclear weapons; prevents nuclear terrorism; and responds to nuclear and radiological emergencies in the U.S. and abroad. NNSA is joining SHPE, the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES) and the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) in the NNSA/Consortium Internship Program to provide college students with challenging, hands-on, educational internship opportunities beginning at $5,000. This is the first year of the program, which will be open to undergraduate students and master’s level students. In coming years, the program will be open to post-doctoral students. Internship locations include Washington, D.C., Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada and Tennessee.

Published in Employment Internship Scholarships