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Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique

Northrop Grumman representatives Desiree Galenti and Amanda Whipple facilitated a presentation on ‘Interviewing for a Job’ on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at San Diego State University Career Services from 1:30 – 4:30 pm.  They covered topics such as:

  • The résumé
  • Interview Preparation
  • What to wear (and not!)
  • Types of Interviews
  • The Interview
  • Practice Questions
  • Where to look for guidance
  • Additional Resources

Their presentation can be download here.

Representatives from Infrastructure Engineering Corporation, the Navy, Northrop Grumman, and Solar Turbines also hosted appointments for one-on-one mock interviews (at 30 minutes), resume critiques, and cover letter critiques (at 20 minutes).

The presentation and workshops were required for those students interested in applying for the annual MESA/NSF Summer Team Internships.

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Published in Employment MESA Activities Summer Team Internship Training