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Category: STEM Activities

Non-MESA activities.

Federal Jobs Workshop at SDSU Career Services – National Geospatial Intelligence-Agency (NGA)

SDSU Career Services is offering a workshop next week on Wednesday, September 26th, 2 – 4PM – Applying for Federal Jobs. The employer who will be featured is NGA, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. They are primarily interested in STEM students, and of course have an interest in veteran students as well.

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Introduction to Careers in the Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences

Interested in exploring research areas in chemistry?

Are you unsure what to pursue after you earn your B.A./B.S.?

Whether you are interested in teaching, industry, or graduate school, this informational session will expose students to different pathway in the biological and physical sciences.

Click on the link below to register.

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Virtual Biomedical Graduate School Fair

The graduate school has joined approximately 20 biomedical graduate programs across the country in the first ever virtual biomedical graduate school fair and we need help in getting the word out to any students who might be thinking of applying to graduate school. It is free and happening on two days – September 12th and October 25th.

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UCSD Edge is a graduate recruitment day for UC San Diego. Similar to the UC Edge: University of California Recruitment Day, UCSD Edge is an all-day event for underrepresented undergraduates who are engaged in a faculty-mentored research program (CEA-CREST, MBRS-RISE, BRIDGES, MARC, HHMI, UC LEADS, IMSD, McNair, etc.). UCSD Edge is also open to master’s students seeking advancement to PhD programs. There will be a series of workshops to introduce resources available to meet graduate students needs and concerns. Additionally, participants will have exclusive interaction with faculty, graduate students, and staff from an academic departments of their choice to learn about the graduate opportunities within the University of California, San Diego.

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MESA Conference for Leaders and Pros

The San Diego MESA Alliance and Raytheon Company will host a unique event to bring student leaders and professionals together to network, collaborate and exchange ideas for improving math and science education.

This year the conference will be hosted by Raytheon Company and San Diego MESA Alliance, which aims to increase the number of students to pursue academic and career paths in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics industries, increase retention in these disciplines and promote opportunities in post graduate studies.

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It is summertime and the beach is calling! Let’s get together for a beach BBQ as a NSBE family (SDSU, UCSD, City College and Alumni). This will be a great time to take a break from summer school and work. The BBQ will be potluck style, so bring your favorite dish to share. Friends, family, or new members are welcomed!

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WTS-Orange County (Women in Transportation) Academy

The academy is a two-week immersion into different facets of the transportation industry for undergraduate and graduate university students. Participants will be exposed to management, finance, operations and planning, as well as engineering, construction management and transit-oriented development principles. In addition to hearing from top executives within the transportation field, the students will experience transportation first-hand through a series of onsite tours including live construction projects, Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors via boat, a rail yard, tolling facilities and more!

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