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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

College Shadow Day

On March 19, 2013, 8 high school Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA) students from North County Trade Tech High School were matched with their university counterparts in the San Diego State University (SDSU) MESA Engineering & Maximizing Science Potential program, based on major and interests.

The SDSU students allowed the high schoolers to ‘shadow’ them throughout the day, which meant bringing them along to classes, visiting labs, touring the beautiful SDSU campus, and sharing their college experience (both good and bad). For some high school students, this was their first college experience or their first time on a college campus.

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Olympics & Robotics Competition Signup

Our San Diego MESA Alliance (SDMA) that includes the MESA programs at San Diego City College, Southwestern College, and MESA Schools Programs in San Diego and Imperial Valley are beginning to take student sign-ups for:

20th Annual MESA Olympics & Robotics Competition

Competition for all MESA programs segments in problem-solving sessions and/or robotics competition designed to promote teamwork, engineering and problem solving skill development.

The OLYMPICS competition has teams of 4 students solve technical problems in mathematics, chemistry, physics and engineering. The competition is broken down in 3 academic levels.

The ROBOTICS competition uses the LEGO Mind storm NXT 2.0 robotics kits for teams of up to 4 MESA students to build robots to complete 2 challenges-an obstacle course, and a head-to-head competition. The nature of the obstacle course and battle will be distributed with the Robotics kits after teams are formulated and also found below.

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Summer Jobs Helping Kids!

The Upward Bound/HCOP Summer Programs are now recruiting college students to be Resident Advisors and Instructional Assistants June 15 – July 26 @ San Diego State University Pay is $9-­‐$10 per hour. ub_ia_ra_recruitment_2013-1-1

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