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Category: Employment

Employment opportunities.

Qualcomm Job Postings – January 16, 2014

Diversity and Inclusion are important elements of Qualcomm’s business and culture. Ensuring that we have a diverse employee base is an important element of this effort, which is why we are making direct outreach to diverse organizations, including those that work with Veterans and people with disabilities. Specifically, we are affirmatively working towards hiring African Americans and Women.

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Qualcomm Job Postings – December 11, 2013

Attached is a spreadsheet with jobs that are posted on our careers website.

You will need to apply on-line in order to be considered for a job opportunity, please be sure to include ‘Div13’ as the activity code when you apply this will help us locate your resume in the system.

Qualcomm Jobs- 2013-12-11

You may link to the Qualcomm Careers site after reviewing opportunities or go directly to the web site

Diversity and Inclusion are important elements of Qualcomm’s business and culture. Ensuring that we have a diverse employee base is an important element of this effort, which is why we are making direct outreach to diverse organizations, including those that work with Veterans and people with disabilities. Specifically, we are affirmatively working towards hiring African Americans and Women.

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2013 Shadow Day

Through the San Diego MESA Alliance, 121 students had a unique experience to witness the “real world” of work in an engineering or scientific environment.

Shadow Day is a great opportunity for our up and coming students to “test the waters” in a field of their interest and see first-hand how classroom skills relate to the workplace. Students were able to observe and work with a professional in action! Employers in STEM madee a positive impact on the lives of students; future engineers and scientists!

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Epidural Stimulation Following Spinal Cord Injury to Facilitate Stepping Through Neuromodulation

This seminar will provide an overview of a pilot study conducted in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. V. Reggie Edgerton (UCLA) to develop a therapy for spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients that is based primarily on electrical stimulation. The study demonstrates that following a partial transverse spinal lesion (hemisection) at a lower thoracic level (T8-T9), the neural circuitry within the lumbar region that controls weight-bearing and stepping remains functional, and can be activated if appropriate sensory (afferent) information from the periphery is provided.

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Summer 2014 REU at CSNE at University of Washington

The Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates program will be held during the summer of 2014 (June 17 – August 22). This 10-week program on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus will provide undergraduate students with opportunities to work on research projects with researchers and to take part in workshop training sessions in ethics, communication skills, and scientific presentation skills designed to provide the undergraduate scientist with a solid foundation for graduate study.

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