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Category: Training

Training opportunities.

MESA/Caltrans Training Academy

Caltrans hosted the MESA Training Academy on March 27, 2009 from 9:00 – 4:00 pm.

Chris Thomas provided an introduction to transportation engineering at their district office in Old Town, fielding questions from students as well as discussing topics such as, ‘what is transportation engineering’, ‘what skills are needed’, ‘how does a project get built’, ‘what needs to be considered when designing a project’, amongst other topics.

Dimitar Peev led a hands on design exercise that allowed students to design a six lane freeway using CADD. Students were provided and lunch and continued the training academy at the transportation management center site where Everett Townsend gave students a tour of the TMC and facilitated a hands on activity that demonstrated real time monitoring and traffic operations strategies, such as incident management, ramp metering and reversible/managed lanes.

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Mock Interview, and Resume and Cover Letter Critique

Northrop Grumman representatives Desiree Galenti and Amanda Whipple facilitated a presentation on ‘Interviewing for a Job’.

Representatives from Infrastructure Engineering Corporation, the Navy, Northrop Grumman, and Solar Turbines also hosted appointments for one-on-one mock interviews, resume critiques, and cover letter critiques.

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MESA/SPAWAR Training Academy

The 2nd Annual Team SPAWAR MESA Training Academy took place at the SPAWAR Old Town facility in San Diego, California, on Friday, April 18, 2008, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The purpose of the training academy was to expose a diverse group of college level engineering, math, and science students to the world of Civil Service employment and the skills needed to succeed in the workplace as an acquisition professional or engineer.

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